LOCATION: See class date
PREREQUISITE: Intermediate defensive handgun or equivalent experience (if you are unsure of your skill level, take our quick proficiency quiz)
INSTRUCTOR: Critical Impact Group (Adrian Alan) - Instructor Bios
Do you frequently shoot low left? Do you struggle to shoot consistent groups? Does your accuracy fall apart when you try to shoot fast? Do you struggle to “find your dot” on your draw? Left uncorrected, marksmanship errors can become “bad habits,” leading to years of frustration on the range and potentially tragic results in a self-defense situation.
Handgun diagnostics is a 1-day, high round count course that will diagnose and correct shooter errors using an approach that goes beyond simply teaching “better techniques.”
By teaching a process-based approach to shooting, and explaining the principles behind marksmanship techniques, students will not only fix their marksmanship errors, they will learn how to diagnose and correct errors that arise in the future. Thus, instructors would also benefit from taking this class.
Our objective is not only to make you a better shooter in these 8-hours on the range, we want to provide you with knowledge and tools you need to coach yourself in the future. The key to becoming a great shooter is not learning how to perfect the “best” technique, it is learning how to evaluate your own performance, and train yourself.
Areas covered during this class:
Student supply list:
What you need to know before attending:
***Do not let the supply list keep you from coming to class. Please contact us if any of these items are an issue or if you have questions.***
***Please leave the name(s) of the people attending the training in the comments section at checkout.***
***Links above are just general examples. Please acquire what works best for you.***